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Best Tips: How to Find Buyers for Export Products


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have a profitable product and are looking for buyers for export products? Do you often found yourself wondering how to find the right people who could really benefit from your products? Do you really want to know how to find buyers for your exported products? In this post, I share with you some very important information on how to find buyers for export products.

Here are a few tips you need to know about the best ways to find buyers for your export products. Most people who sell things online think the way to attract their customers is through pricing and marketing strategies.

Note this, finding buyers for export is usually supposed to be the first step to begin with when you start the exportation business. I consider it best advice when you are told to first get buyers for your identified products before investing your money in the exportation business.

After all, of what use is it when you have no buyers for the products you intend to sell in the foreign market?

There are several ways to find buyers for your products. Here I’ll share the best methods and help you figure out how to find buyers for your products.

How to find Buyers for Export Products

First thing first, you want to consider the following

  • Get to know the market: Knowing the market can save you untold heartache if you play your cards well. Without full knowledge of the product market, customer responses to such products and where to start and stop, you may be in for serious confusion in the long run.
  • Know if there is a local demand for your products: Demand is a very important area of consideration in business. If there is no demand for your product, then you are likely going to end up not finding buyers.
  • Research any government policies that may affect your ability to export: Even when you have found prospective buyers for your export products, you want to ensure you stay abreast with details of government policies that may hinder your progress. The need to comply with country policies and rules cannot be overemphasized
  • Get to know potential buyers: Lastly, your potential buyers are as important as the sale of the product itself.

Let’s take a look at a few other ways to get buyers for your export products. Every single one is great. But the last one is very powerful and has been really powerful for my Export Business.

1. Attend Trade Shows and Expos

If you are told not to limit your search for buyers to the internet, then that’s it. Because if you’re looking for export buyers, trade shows present a great opportunity also. Using both online and offline means only adding up to the success you derive at the end of it all.

Typically, the main Trade Shows and Expos attendees are people that work in the industry and are interested in buying or selling products.

You can find trade shows for every industry, but how do you know which one to attend?

Take a sneak peek at your target audience: What is their biggest challenge? Is there a show dedicated to helping buyers overcome this problem? If not, what shows would your target customers be most likely to attend?

It’s important to prepare for these events by setting goals and determining how you’ll follow up with prospects after the show. To make these events more productive you might want to take some time before attending any events by researching the attendees beforehand so you can identify which ones may be interested in buying your product or service.

You should also consider taking someone with you who speaks the same language as most of the people attending. This will enable you to communicate more effectively with them and create a better impression at these events.

Read Also: 5 ways to make your export products irresistible.

2. Check Government Sources of Information

The government can help with marketing your product overseas. There are many reasons for this:

  • Government programs can help finance market research and marketing trips;
  • Government can provide education and training to help you export;
  • Government can supply information on tariffs and quotas;
  • And the government provides information on international business laws.

How to find buyers for export products

3. Use Industry Associations and Export Management Companies

Industry associations gather professionals in the same sector to support each other through knowledge-sharing, education and advocacy. They also provide free or discounted access to valuable market insight and can help you identify export opportunities.

In addition, you should consider using an Export Management Company. Export Management Companies sometimes, trade on behalf of a company’s products or services by finding the best foreign markets for them and making introductions.

NB: MoveXport is not in any way affiliated with the Institute of Export Operations and Management (IEOM). For the record, IEOM is an independent, trusted resource and advisor to more than 300+ enterprises and business leaders, providing critical insights on the latest trends/practices in international trade.

4. Search for Potential Customers Online

The world has moved online, and your business should be no different. The internet has created a vast community of connected people, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice to ignore such a powerful platform.

There are countless sites dedicated to helping exporters sell their products abroad, so don’t hesitate to find out what they have to offer. Let’s go over some of the best tips on how to use these online tools:

  • Use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter as an advertising tool for your business. Not only can it help you advertise directly to consumers, but it’s a great way to create a positive image for yourself in front of potential buyers who might be looking into your company’s reputation or history before deciding whether or not they want to work with you.
  • Use search engines like Google or Bing when searching for customers; this is the first thing many people do when looking up information about businesses and services they’re interested in purchasing from. So if someone came across you through one of these sites instead of having them find out later after meeting personally at an event where all these other vendors were present too then there wouldn’t have been as much competition between companies because only yours would’ve stood out without being overshadowed by everyone else trying hard too!
  • And finally – last but certainly not least- remember that having good online reviews is probably just as important (if not more) than all other factors mentioned above because it shows what others think about your company before even meeting them face-to-face which helps build trust between both parties involved which ultimately leads towards better customer relationships.”

5. Ask Suppliers and Other Manufacturing Contacts

When you already have good relationships with suppliers, they can help you find buyers. However, if you’re thinking of expanding your market to other countries, it takes more effort to find buyers. You will need to send inquiries, especially when the company is new in the exporting business.

Ask your suppliers and other manufacturing contacts if they know any buyers of your products. If you don’t know any other manufacturers in your area, ask your supplier if they do.

6. Use Trade Journals

Trade journals are another useful way to keep an eye on what’s happening in your industry. These publications often have listings of buyers and sellers, so they can help you find people who may be interested in what you have to offer. They also feature articles that provide a lot of insight into the industry and alert you to new trends. If you want to get the most out of this strategy, it’s important to find out which trade journals are widely read by people in your field. You can do this by checking with colleagues or networking at industry events.

7. Build a Website for your Export Products

In today’s world, the internet is the in-thing.

Owning a website for your exportation business is definitely going to take your business far beyond the expectation as it helps it travel faster and farther.

In order to increase sales of your product online, it is important that you create a website that sells these products online. This will help you create a digital storefront that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. You can also manage orders, track inventory, and manage shipments from this platform.

This will also allow customers from all over the world to purchase your product online and make payments through various payment methods provided by most eCommerce platforms such as Paypal etc. You should also provide free shipping options so that customers can get their orders delivered at no cost!


While many people have various views and opinions on increasing the export of goods, time has shown that the best way to have a successful business is to get it out to the right customers.

There are numerous ways of doing this, but being prepared and knowing what to expect can save you time money and frustration.

Regardless of what export products you’re selling, these tips will help you find buyers more easily. Not all of them may work well for you in doing so, but you can use a portfolio of these strategies to boost your sourcing. Hopefully, we’ve given you enough ideas that you’ll be able to put to good use for your own business.

You’ve got your eye on an export market. You know the fundamentals of exporting, and you’re primed to begin. The best advice we can give you is this: keep in mind that overseas market research takes time and is not limited to one factor.

Don’t expect to land a deal when you first start out. When assessing a potential export market, be sure to rely on more than just one source of data, and don’t be afraid to try it out (with a small order at first).

And above all else don’t get discouraged if you experience setbacks along the way. With hard work, determination, and dedication, your products will sell internationally—and if they don’t, there’s always another buyer waiting around the corner.

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Maverick is an experienced freight forwarder with 7 years of operational experience. He is the face of MoveXport, a business which started out as an online resource centre helping individuals and corporate organisations answer very daring questions relative to freight and customs clearing.

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